Smoothie Sunday: Nectarine NIGHTMARE!

Happy Sunday! Because today is a fresh start to a fresh new week, I’d like to share with you recipes for my favorite meal: fresh smoothies. Smoothies are amazing meals that can be eaten for breakfast, lunch, dinner, or a midday snack that will keep you full for hours.

You can literally put ANYTHING in a smoothie! That’s what’s so amazing about them: you can personalize smoothies with all of your favorite fruits and vegetables!

For all of my smoothie recipes, it’s ALWAYS optional to add lettuce, spinach, kale, dandelion greens, arugula, parsley, and any other healthy vegetables that you desire. Also, for a milkshake-like thicker smoothie, add half of an avocado or a banana.

Today’s recipe is called the Nectarine Nightmare, but don’t worry, it’s only called that because tomorrow is Halloween! It’s actually a very pretty and delicious smoothie (or is it?). Trick or treat? Only one way to find out! Here’s the spooktacular recipe…

Continue reading “Smoothie Sunday: Nectarine NIGHTMARE!”

Smoothie Sunday: Blueberry Twist

Happy Sunday! Because today is a fresh start to a fresh new week, I’d like to share with you recipes for my favorite meal: fresh smoothies. Smoothies are amazing meals that can be eaten for breakfast, lunch, dinner, or a midday snack that will keep you full for hours.

You can literally put ANYTHING in a smoothie! That’s what’s so amazing about them: you can personalize smoothies with all of your favorite fruits and vegetables!

For all of my smoothie recipes, it’s ALWAYS optional to add lettuce, spinach, kale, dandelion greens, arugula, parsley, and any other healthy vegetables that you desire. Also, for a milkshake-like thicker smoothie, add half of an avocado or a banana.

Today’s recipe is a unique concoction with a beautiful color. It has a lot of ingredients that, when thrown together, create an awesome smoothie!

Continue reading “Smoothie Sunday: Blueberry Twist”